Sandy Bee Mine is a family owned and operated venture. Most of our time is spent beekeeping, crafting our products, and enjoying the colony’s bounty. Our co-founders, Dave and Sandy, retired from corporate America for greener pastures and a more intentional lifestyle. After 56 years in upstate New York, they settled on a few acres in Western North Carolina and began keeping bees as a hobby. The rest, as they say, is history -- what began as gifts to friends and family soon grew into a fun side hustle. This growth brought more of the family into the fold: drawn by the challenge and creativity in small business entrepreneurship, Nicole came on board with the Products of the Hive line and increased our marketing outreach. As we continue to grow, we will stay true to our small batch, handmade roots to deliver high quality, artisanal goods to our customers.
Our apiaries, located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Western North Carolina, borders thousands of acres of pristine forest. We maintain apiaries in Zirconia NC, Tryon NC, Saluda NC and Leicester NC and to satisfy a growing demand and we also source honey from local beekeepers we call friends. These beekeepers use the same practices we endorse, producing honey that is pure, natural, and flora-local.
Sandy Bee Mine goods are always pure and natural. Our raw honey is taken straight from the hives, cleaned (a necessary but minimal process to remove debris from the honey), and put right into a jar for your enjoyment. Our skincare goods are nourishing and always free from unnecessary or toxic additives. Our goal is to produce the purest honey and products of the hive for our customers’ enjoyment.